Ann Hamilton - Inspiring artists talks -
I had my progress review feedback meeting yesterday, Ann Hamilton was mentioned. I have started to research her and I think I will continue to do this for many years to come. I aspire to be able to give an artist talk like this, a slowed down version of a highly academic poem is how I would describe they way Ann talks. I write a lot better than I talk.. ironically and I am a little dyslexic. Why I feel the need to say 'a little' instead of just dyslexic is beyond me. Possibly because I only found this information out about myself two years ago and maybe still coming to terms with this new self discovery. My goal is to speak slower / calmer and have more control when dealing with presentations.
ONEEVERYONE is the name of the talk..
Ann Hamilton is a visual artist internationally recognized for the sensory surrounds of her large-scale multi-media installations. Using time as process and material, her methods of making serve as an invocation of place, of collective voice, of communities past and of labor present.