Artist Statement - Deirdre Little -
B.A Fine Art Photography, Film & Video from Limerick School of Art & Design (2018)
M.A Art & Technology, from the University of Limerick (2019).
My work is a technically processed based work taking into consideration the idea of the punctum and vastness within the framed photographic image/video. The work is built using a combination of different software such as photoshop and premier professional.
This process builds layers of infrared visuals, while also removing some details technically within the making of each work. This work is completed once the decisive moment is reached for the artist the punctum is reached.
A sort of painting with technology to increase the vastness of each visual.
Juxtaposing the punctum towards each viewer. An exploration of how each work is seen or unseen is of interest here.
Each subjectively aimed to evoke a vast emotional response within the frame and the viewer.