Candice Breitz - Venice Biennial 2017 - African Pavilion - Love Story
What kind of stories are we willing to hear? What kind of stories move us? Why is it that the same audiences that are driven to tears by fictional blockbusters, remain affect-less in the face of actual human suffering?
Love Story (2016), a seven-channel installation by Candice Breitz, interrogates the mechanics of identification and the conditions under which empathy is produced. The work is based on the personal narratives of six individuals who have fled their countries in response to a range of oppressive conditions: Sarah Ezzat Mardini, who escaped war-torn Syria -
This work really made an impact on me. I think the main reason was because it isn't the normal aesthetic that I usually go for - (I now know work doesn't have to look pretty or ethereal to make a huge artistic impact) it was a video with two well known actors, Alec Baldwin and Julianne Moore - each being interviewed and the video is there response to questions. At this stage your not sure what is happening.... and this happens quiet often, you think its about people being segregated in society? they are mentioning a Gay president , then a passport is being mentioned and visas? why am I know so intrigued... well its the way the entire one sentence acting was being portrayed to the audience. The outstanding actors pulled you in using one line sentences.... lots of pauses.. the pauses where very important. Juliet would say sorry can you repeat the question while pausing to take a drink? why couldn't she just answer.... I believe this was a deliberate attempt to deal with the media, the media who puts lies out to the world... and when asked certain questions important people of power... well don't answer..! they pause.
I believe this is the reason for the green-screen ! anything and everything can be adapted visually - visual lies... when using a green-screen and this is most often used in Film Making or Television.
I will be using some of these questioning techniques.. as I really did love the impact that this had upon me.